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Baby's Home: Now What?
baby car seats

Your baby (or babies) is what do you do? With my support your parenthood journey will be off to a great start from that first day forward. I am available to come to your home in those first few days after birth to guide you on a variety of newborn care topics, answer all of your questions, and set your mind at ease as you, your partner, and your baby get to know each other. I love supporting new families during this precious time after birth, helping to nourish the parents, sharing in the care of the newborn, and making sure the household is running smoothly. My clients can focus their attention on resting, bonding, and recovering well from birth. I'm happy to make nutritious meals, hold the baby so mom can focus on self-care, teach you how to use all your baby gadgets (including babywearing carriers), and so much more. My support is always tailored to the unique needs of my clients.

This daytime support is focused on the educational aspects of guiding parents as they figure out what their new normal looks like. It's all about helping you feel confident and cared for and allowing you space to rest, as well as have your questions answered. This care may include:

-Newborn care or newborn care instruction

-New mother care & meal prep

-Feeding education & support (breast, bottle, pumping, formula, etc.)

-Household support (light cleaning, laundry, errands)

-Parenting coaching for mom and partner

-Sibling adjustment support

-Lots more!

Interested in learning more about this service? Contact me and we can set up a time to chat!

Man Holding Newborn
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